
This page will guide you through the Kotlin tutorials which can be used as a part of the android development.

As you might have known that Kotlin is now official language of android development and so proving the basic concepts here to make sure you know them.


Android Work manager tutorial || Background Services || Periodic Work Request

Android work manager : In continuation to the previous tutorial we are proceeding with android ...

Kotlin Synthetic Binding || A new way to bind UI components

Kotlin Synthetic Binding : Kotlin synthetic binding makes it much simpler and easier to bind ...

OneTimeWorkRequest : Mastering Android Work Manager

OneTimeWorkRequest : OneTimeWorkRequest is like a superhero for managing background tasks in Android apps. It's ...

Kotlin coroutines with retrofit || Kotlin Tutorial

Kotlin Coroutine : Kotlin coroutine provide a safer way of asynchronous coding. A coroutine is ...

Android Kotlin tutorial on while loop || While Loop

While loop is a much simpler form of looping and is purely based on the ...

Android Kotlin Tutorial on For Loop || For Loop

What is a loop? A loop is a process where we continuous loop through a ...

Android Kotlin Tutorial on Dynamic List || Dynamic List

Android Dynamic List : When ever we try to display / populate more than one ...

Android Kotlin Tutorial on Static List || List in Kotlin

Kotlin Static List : List of things make your work much easier than maintaining multiple ...

Android Kotlin Tutorial On BigDecimal || BigDecimal

Problem: Have you felt calculations a bit confused any time or making multiple calculations changing ...

Android Kotlin Tutorials on Variables

Kotlin Variables : Kotlin has the same variable types we use in programming but the ...

Android basic operators || Kotlin Tutorial on Operators

Android basic operators : In this part of the tutorial we will be dealing with ...

Kotlin Variable Declaration || Kotlin, Android

In this tutorial we will go through the variables usage in Kotlin though you have ...

Kotlin: A Beginner’s Guide to Modern Android Development

Kotlin : Hello World is the first thing we practice in every programming language we ...

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